About this report

Our Sustainability Report 2018 is an account of our sustainability performance during the 2018 reporting period (FY18), with limited assurance provided by Point Advisory.

This report includes discussion of our material sustainability issues, and details our performance against our new Sustainable Places Strategy. Where performance against a target has not been achieved (or is not in scope for the reporting period), an explanation is provided.

Our reporting boundaries are explained here. A full summary of all indicators and definitions are included in Appendix 1: Indicator Performance Summary.

Reporting Requirements

The Landcom Corporation Act 2001 (NSW) requires us to report annually against our sustainability performance. The Act states that we must develop sustainability performance indicators that are benchmarked against international best practice.

In December 2016 our draft Sustainable Places Strategy was endorsed by the Board and the Minister for Planning. The draft Strategy was placed on public exhibition, seeking feedback from community and industry, throughout April and May 2017.

The Sustainable Places Strategy was finalised and endorsed by the Landcom Board in November 2017 and took full effect for Landcom during FY18.